Happy Father’s Day.

So, the international father’s day has gone but I believe that such days should be celebrated everyday by giving the important people in your life the love,care and attention they expect from you. I dedicate this to my father, to his unconditional love, support and courage without which I wouldn’t be able to stand where I am now.

I often wonder who would be my courage and true supporter if I lose him. Who would bring home the kind of surprises I like the most. Who would text me multiple times if I go out of the house even for a few hours. Who would encourage me if I lose hope. Definitely no one. Because no one can replace a FATHER and no one can provide the love and support me the way he does, not even my mother.

My father has been my best teacher and mentor. He has never gone against my wishes and I do not remember him forcing me to do anything ever, just because he likes it. He has always been successful at guiding me the best about my studies and choices whenever I’m confused.
He says:
“Education and knowledge are your true weapons, that cannot be stolen but shared. If a person thinks he has money and does not feel the need to educate himself, he would regret it all his life because a person is not known by the wealth he knows but by the education he gets and the knowledge he earns.”

He gives me numerous examples just so that I could learn from them and try to be a better person. His sayings and doings have helped me a lot through many ways.

My father has gone through a lot of complexities in his life. I just want to see him free of entanglements and make him proud by becoming a successful doctor. I want to make him the happiest person, and perhaps this is the biggest goal that I want to accomplish in my life.

Happy Father’s Day. Cheers!